In my previous post I have given the information about the Virtual Router to make a Laptop as a Hotspot device for other devices. But it is possible to make the Laptop as a hotspot without a Virtual Router.
It is possible with some simple CMD commands and procedure given below:-
1. Turn on your Laptop’s Wi-Fi device
2. Go to Programs > CMD (Note : Right click on CMD icon and click on Run as Administrator)
3. Type netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=BILAL key=BOOSTER007
(Here ssid is Hotspot Name and Key is your hotspot password you can change this as pre your choice and Key must be of 8 characters)
4. Type netsh wlan start hostednetwork (This starts the hotspot)
For Stop or Close the hotspot type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork in CMD.
If you are connected to the Hotspot but not able to access the Internet the then follow the following steps :
Check your Status by clicking on network Devices Icon as given Below
If it Shows No Internet Access they follow the following steps
Go to properties of you internet Modem (here I am using the USBDEVICE 4 it may be changes according to your service providers modem)
Go to share Tab and check the checkbox Allow other network...... and click on ok as given below
Now check network status again and make sure it is showing the Internet Access
Now you can Access the net on your device
If u have any Question About this post u can Ask.....
+ comments + 3 comments
Thank you for the read. Honestly you covered the topic and broadly examined all
areas. If i was to write this i would have done a few things differently myself but you have definitely inspired
me to get into the world of blogging. Thanks heaps for the post i really appreciate it. Have a good day and keep blogging
Thanks for sharing information about Leptop into hotspot
Thanks for Sharing Leptop Into Hostpot
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