Provide Limited Program Access To Non-Administrative Users In Windows 7 With GPEDIT.MSC

AppLocker Specify exactly what is allowed to run on desktops with the AppLocker feature in Windows 7. AppLocker provides the flexibility to allow users to run the applications, installation programs, and scripts they need to be productive. Learn how you can realize the security, operational, and compliance benefits of application standardization by using AppLocker.

To use AppLocker You will need to open the Windows Group Policy Editor By Typing gpedit.msc in Run.

You can find AppLocker in Windows Setting > Security Setting > Application Control Policy > AppLocker

Now Click On Configure Rule Enforcement 

In Enforcement tab, select Configured under executable rule by keep Enforcement rule as it is.
Now Click on Apply > Ok

Now click on Executable Rule >  Right Click Executable Rule > Click On Create New Rule. >>

Select Deny and then Click on Select Button To select particular User or Group to which we have to restrict access of particular Program >>

Click On Advance Button To Select User or Group >>

Click On Find Now Button To View all User or Groups Associated with the Windows. Select the required User or Group from the list of users to provide deny action of particular Program to that user and click on Ok >>

Click on Path and Next >>

Click on Browse File Button To Select the .exe file of application which you want to Deny >>
Note : Similarly U can Select the folder of that application to Block its access.

Go through the C:/Program Files / <Folder Name of Application which is to be deny> / <Application File (.exe)> and click on Open as shown below >>

Now it showing Like this >>

In the Executable rule you can see Action is Deny for selected Application >> 

After Creating Rule Make Sure that Application Identity Service  is started and set this service to Automatic.
1.Run Type services.msc hit enter.
2.Find Application Identity Service from the List of all Services.
3.Right click on Application Identity Service Do Following Configuration :

Set Startup type as Automatic 

Now, If blocked user trying to Access the Blocked Program or Application, it get the Following Message:

If U have any problem related to any of the step U can ask me By posting Ur Comment Below >>

                                                                       Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!


Lock Application In Windows Using GPEDIT.MSC

It is possible to lock the application in windows 7 using the AppLocker feature.
AppLocker Specify exactly what is allowed to run on desktops with the AppLocker feature in Windows 7. AppLocker provides the flexibility to allow users to run the applications, installation programs, and scripts they need to be productive. Learn how you can realize the security, operational, and compliance benefits of application standardization by using AppLocker.

To see how to use AppLocker to lock any application Click Here 



AppLocker Specify exactly what is allowed to run on desktops with the AppLocker feature in Windows 7. AppLocker provides the flexibility to allow users to run the applications, installation programs, and scripts they need to be productive. Learn how you can realize the security, operational, and compliance benefits of application standardization by using AppLocker.

To use AppLocker You will need to open the Windows Group Policy Editor By Typing gpedit.msc in Run.

You can find AppLocker in Windows Setting > Security Setting > Application Control Policy > AppLocker

Now Click On Configure Rule Enforcement 

In Enforcement tab, select Configured under executable rule by keep Enforcement rule as it is.
Now Click on Apply > Ok

Now click on Executable Rule >  Right Click on Executable Rule > Click On Create New Rule. >>

To create rule Follow a Wizard  >> Only Click on Next without Configuring the following Window >

Note : This Screen Appears only once at the start of first configuration.

Click On Deny and Next >>

Note : Here User or Group is set as Everyone this means that Deny Action for an application is for all Users associated with this Windows Group including administrator also.

Click on Path and Next >>

Click on Browse File Button To Select the .exe file of application which you want to Deny >>
Note : Similarly U can Select the folder of that application to Block its access.

Go through the C:/Program Files / <Folder Name of Application which is to be deny> / <Application File (.exe)> and click on Open as shown below >>

Now it showing Like this >>

In the Executable rule you can see Action is Deny for selected Application >> 

After Creating Rule Make Sure that Application Identity Service  is started and set this service to Automatic.
1.Run Type services.msc hit enter.
2.Find Application Identity Service from the List of all Services.
3.Right click on Application Identity Service Do Following Configuration :

Set Startup type as Automatic 

Now, If Any use is trying to Access the Blocked Program or Application, it get the Following Message :

If U have any problem related to any of the step U can ask me By posting Ur Comment Below >>

                                                                       Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!


5 Easy Ways to Make Money from Blogger

In this article I will tell you 5 easy ways to make money from Blogger so that your blog will pay its way.

1. Advertising Programs

Google Adsense
Google Adsense is probably the best known advertising program available to Blogger webmasters since Google Adsense can easily be inserted into your blog with a couple of clicks. Google Adsense is a good choice if you are starting out and want to earn a bit of extra cash. Don't expect too much at first though or you may be very disappointed. In my experience you will probably only get about 1 click for every 200-300 impressions. Therefore you will need plenty of traffic to make Google Adsense work for you.
You can also add Google Adsense to your Blogger feeds giving you additional advertising opportunities. If you haven't burnt your blog's feed at Feedburner make it a priority. That way you can have Google advertising appearing in all your feeds.

Other Advertising Programs/Networks
There are plenty of other advertising programs to choose from if you decide against Google Adsense. Adbrite is worth considering if you are in the market for an alternative to Google Adsense. Another alternative worthy of consideration is Widget Bucks as they claim a higher CPM than Google Adsense. Linkworth offer a range of publisher choices to fit your blog and also have a generous referral program. Yet another possibility and one which I am using on my blog right now is to try out Chitika which allows you to insert ad units along with Google Adsense or Adbrite offerring even greater advertising opportunities for your Blogger blog.
Get Chitika Premium

2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Programs are free. They provide banners you can place on your blog which when clicked on earn you revenue. Typically these programs either give you a percentage of the sale eg 5-10% or they pay a set commission per lead. Some of the largest affiliate programs are Commission Junction and Most have a referral program too whereby you can earn revenue by referring other publishers and advertisers. For example Linkshare pays $1.50 for every valid publisher (afffiliate sometimes called vendor) signup who generates a click-through to Linkshare within 30 days.

With so many good merchant programs to choose from it is easy to go a bit overboard on banner advertising. Be careful not to overuse banners as they can detract from the look and feel of your website.

3. Place a Donation Link or Button on Your Blog
Donations can bring in a few dollars depending on the generosity of your visitors and the quality of your blog. You may have seen that a number of Blogger bloggers have a donation link or button on their blog. These are equivalent to a tip jar on a counter. If a visitor particularly likes your blog or has benefited from your help in some way they may be only too happy to slip you a couple of bucks. Offerring a Paypal link on your blog is an easy and straightforward method for visitors to make a donation large or small.

4. Sell E-Books or other Digital Media on Your Blog
One sure fired way to increase site traffic is to offer some digital product on your site that visitors are prepared to pay for. There are heaps of examples of Bloggers who have made a good return using this method such as Yaro Starak'sBlog Mastermind, Rob Benwell's Blogging to the Bank 3.0 and Atomic Blogging by Alvin Phang.
Click here to watch The Conversion Blogging Video

5. Sell Advertising Space on Your Blog
If your blog is moderately successful in terms of the volume of traffic it receives you might consider selling advertising space to a company for its advertising campaign. The advertising slot can be leased on an ongoing basis or is good for a given number of impressions.

Add Amazon Product Links to Blogger Posts

Hi rfnd'z today in this tutorial you will learn how to deep link a specific Amazon product directly into your Blogger posts so that the link will appear either on every post page or alternatively only on a selected post page. By deep linking a targeted Amazon product directly to your Blogger blog you can expect to increase your Amazon sales and to make extra money from Blogger.

This tutorial provides you with a complete walk through of the process of adding Amazon product links to Blogger. I have rated the tutorial as moderate as it involves setting up the Amazon product link, converting the code and adding a block of code to your Blogger template. All these steps are within the capabilities of the average Blogger user provided you follow the step by step instructions below.

How to Deep Link an Amazon Product to Blogger Posts
This tutorial will show you how to add an Amazon Product Link at the foot of every post in your Blogger blog. If you want your link to appear only on a specific individual post page see Tips and Troubleshooting below for instructions.

Difficulty Level: Moderate

  1. Sign in to your Amazon Associates account. If you are not a member sign up is free to both
  2. Click on the Links and Banners tab
  3. Under the Product Links heading choose the Add Product Links Now link
  4. From the Product Links page choose your Product Category from the drop down list and enter your search keyword phrase to identify the product you wish to link to. Hit the Go button.
  5. From the search results choose the individual product you will linking to by clicking on the Get Link button on the right hand side of the product

  6. You will now be taken to the Customize and Get HTML code page.

    • Select Link Type
      By default both the product image and text link will display but you can customize it to display the image only or the text only by checking the box alongside these options
    • Customize Link
      Choose the appearance of your product. With or without a border. Choose color options to suit your blog. I suggest you keep the default setting for the link opening in a new window. Amazon lets you see a live preview of your product on the right so that you can make any adjustments before embedding the code into your blog.
  7. Once you are satisfied with the product's appearance click on the highlight code button at the foot of the page and copy the HTML code for the Amazon Product Link.
  8. Open a Javascript to HTML converter such as Centricle. Paste your code into the content window and press the Encode button
  9. Highlight and copy the code that has been converted
  10. Login to Blogger if not already logged in
  11. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML
  12. Back up your Blogger template as a precaution
  13. Check Expand Widget Templates box
  14. There are several places you may wish your product link to appear. I have assumed for the purposes of this tutorial that you want it at the bottom of your post. Therefore find the following code in your template:

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
  15. Directly below this line paste the converted Amazon HTML code 
  16. Click on Save Template
  17. Click on View Blog to view your link at the foot of every Blogger post including the home page view.

    Tips and Troubleshooting
    If you are writing about a lot of different products on your blog you may need to place targeted Amazon product links on your Blogger individual post pages. To have the Amazon Product Link only appear on a specific post page follow these steps.

    How To Add an Amazon Product Link to an Individual Blogger Post
    Before you get started you will need to know the full URL address of your Blogger post. To get this navigate in a new window to the specific post page of your Blogger blog and copy the address from the address bar at the top of your browser
  18. Follow steps 1 to 13 as per adding an Amazon Product Link to the foot of every Blogger post.
  19. Find the following code:

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
  20. Directly below this line paste the following code:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "your blog post URL including http://"'>
    Paste your Amazon code here
  21. Replace "your blog post URL including http://" with the URL address of your blog post 
  22. Paste over "Paste your Amazon code here" with your converted Amazon HTML code
  23. Click on Save Template
  24. Click View Blog and navigate to the individual post page to see your Amazon Product Link at the foot of your Blogger post (Blogspot post)

I hope you will understand if not please ask Question ? ??????? 

Make Money With Adsense

Hi friends if you are new to blogging with Blogger (Blogspot) and wondering how to make money with Adsense this article is for you. If you have Google Adsense on your blog but are disappointed with the revenue generated so far then read on. Even if Google Adsense is performing well for you I am going to give you some tips that will mean you will earn extra money from Google Adsense.

Importence Of Keywords in Bloggers :
In order to make money from blogging with Blogger it is important first to understand the significance of keywords and keyword phrases. Via Google Adwords, the sister of Google Adsense, advertisers bid for keywords and keyword phrases. The more frequently these keyword terms are searched for the higher their value. That is why keyword phrases like make money or make money online which receive a huge number of monthly searches are top paying keywords and are worth so much to advertisers.

To make money with Google Adsense all you need do once your blog is receiving traffic is sign up with Google Adsense, receive a unique code and then place Google Adsense ads on your Blogger blog. These ad units are targeted automatically based on the keywords and keyword phrases which appear in the content of your posts. You get paid for every click on one of your Google Adsense ads. The amount you get paid is determined by the value of the keyword or keyword phrases used. 

As a webpublisher it is important to be mindful when crafting your content that you use Google keywords and keyword phrases relevant to your blog's content. This does not mean that you stuff your posts with Google keywords to generate higher Google Adsense payments. In fact having too many keywords is known as keyword stuffing and could mean your blog is penalized by Google. A good rule of thumb is to have 3-5% of your content made up of your blog's keywords. A keyword density over 7% is too high and risks penalty.

For help with adding Google Adsense ad units to your Blogger blog please refer to my article Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Placement 

Find The Best Google Keywords for Your Blog
These days many bloggers wanting to make money with Adsense build their blogs based on Google keywords. Their plan is to achieve first page positions on Google search pages for each of these keywords and keyword phrases. However, adopting this strategy from the outset would not be the case for most bloggers. Most of us start a blog about something we are interested in and then decide that we would like to make money with Google Adsense.

If Google keywords for your blog is not something that you have paid much attention to up to now then you may be surprised at what a difference it will make to your Google Adsense earnings and SERPs (search engine results page). Just by figuring out your keywords and emphasizing them in your blog posts you can expect to earn extra money with Google Adsense and Blogger. I did an exercise recently where I edited one of my earlier posts and added about 10 more keywords to the content. Not only did I move my article from about 60 in Google searches to 10 the revenue earned from Adsense for this article increased markedly too.

To determine what your keywords are for your blog you will need to conduct some research. Go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool and type in the topic of your blog. For instance if your blog is about making money online you would type in this phrase to receive other keywords that are related to your blog topic.

Try to identify about 10 to 15 Google keywords and keyword phrases that fit with your blog content. Print out this list and keep it handy so you can refer to it often when writing content for your blog. 

Write an article around each of these Google keywords or keyword phrases. These 10 to 15 articles will become the backbone content of your blog. Research these articles by performing Google searches and reading what other bloggers who make it to the first couple of pages in the search engine results are writing about. Notice their keywords and keyword phrases, and the tags they have used. This research will help you identify two things:

·         Any gaps not so well covered by fellow bloggers but relating well to your keywords. That will give you a nice opportunity to write a series of articles on the topic
·         How other bloggers in your niche are tailoring their content for success and which keywords are performing well for them

Always write original content. Never copy another bloggers material. Despite being unethical to plagarize duplicated material is easy to identify and can mean that you get penalized by search engines like Google and run the risk of being banned from Google Adsense. My take on what is known as blog scraping is that if you need to copy what some else has written clearly you don't understand your blog topic well enough and you are probably better to write about something you do know something about. Your readers will see through you very quickly if you don't fully understand the depths of your blog topic. 

Google Adsense Tips for Blogspot Bloggers (Blogger Bloggers)

·         Add Your Main Keyword to Your Title Tag
Make sure that your main keyword for each of your 10-15 articles forms part of your title tag as this is important if your article is to rank highly in search engine results. If you can use two keywords or keyword phrases all the better. You will note that I have added three keywords in my title: make moneyGoogle Adsense and Blogger.
·         Use the Main Keyword in the Body of Your Posts
Make sure you use the main keyword throughout the body of your article. Ensure that your main keyword appears in the first and last paragraph of your post. There are keyword density tools available to help you check the ratio of keywords used.
·         Make Sure You Tag Your Main Keyword
Tagging your main keyword and other keywords and keyword phrases is also important if readers are to find your article. Your posts will do better in search engine results if they are appropriately tagged. And of course the better your blog is search engine optimized the more traffic your blog will receive and the greater the potential for Google Adsense revenue.
·         Make Sure Your Blog is Search Engine Optimized
Optimize your Blogger blog by adjusting your title tags and adding meta tags for better SEO. SEO is important as it generates search engine traffic and building traffic is paramount for high earnings from Google Adsense. 
·         Develop Backlinks for Your Blog
Some of the factors that determine how high your articles will appear in search engine results are backlinks and the age of your blog. If you have some good backlinks to highly ranked websites your blog articles are likely to be promoted in search engine results. Use blog directories, forums, and comment on other blogs in your niche to build a good range of backlinks. Submit your best articles to article directories to generate traffic and links. Also submitting your article to social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon can provide backlinks and boost traffic at the same time
·         Give Your Old Blogger Posts a Keyword Makeover
Go back through your previous blog posts and identify posts that are not receiving a lot of traffic. Read through them and look for opportunities to rewrite small portions of the content to insert keywords and keyword phrases. Check the tags too and add any keywords and keyword phrases that may help to boost traffic. Identify any posts that need to be rewritten from a slightly different angle and with more scope for the addition of keywords
·         Publish Posts at Least 250-300 Words Long
Check the number of your articles Google has indexed. Shorter articles can often be missed out particularly if your blog is only recently created. Plus shorter articles do not give enough scope for Google Adsense to necessarily know what keywords to target when serving ads.
·         Optimize Google Adsense Placement, Size and Appearance
Some locations for Google Adsense work better than others. Make sure you read up on Google Adsense placement as this will ensure you make the most money from your Adsense ads.

Some Adsense ad unit sizes are better performers than others. My personal favorite is 336x280 ad unit which I use successfully on most of my blogs.

Consider the appearance of your Adsense ad unit. Blend it in or make it stand out the choice is yours.

I hope you will understand tha articals............ if any problem please ask queations...

Display a list of Started Services With CMD

To interact with the services panel from the CMD, Windows provides the Net utility. From the command prompt, you can use this utility to start, stop, pause and continue services. What most people don’t realize is that you can also use this to display a list of services that are running on your computer.

Command :- net start


Change IP address of System with CMD

In most of the time we can’t change the ip directly due to some security reson then you have only one option i.e. change ip through the CMD.

Following are the commands for changing IP through CMD.
To change IP and default gateway: 
netsh int ip set address " wireless network connection " static 

To change DNS: 
netsh int ip set dns " wireless network connection " static primary

To see the changes, go to Properties of Network Adapter. 

1.        In above command “wireless network connection” is the name of network adapter whose ip we 
        have to change it may be local area connection, local area connection2 as per your adapter name.
2.       Run CMD As Administrator 


Edit a file with CMD

It is possible to edit a file with CMD.

 Let’s see how:

For this we use the command edit

1.  edit b.txt (here b.txt is file to be edit and it is located in the Directory D:)

This gives the following O/P :

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