BackTrack Tools

BackTrack includes many well known security tools including:

  • Metasploit for integration
  • Wi-Fi drivers supporting monitor mode (rfmon mode) and packet injection
  • Aircrack-ng
  • Gerix Wifi Cracker
  • Kismet
  • Nmap
  • Ophcrack
  • Ettercap
  • Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal)
  • BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework)
  • Hydra
  • Cisco OCS Mass Scanner, a very reliable and fast scanner for Cisco routers with telnet and enabling of a default password.
  • A large collection of exploits as well as more commonplace software such as browsers.

BackTrack arranges tools into 12 categories:

  • Information gathering
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Exploitation tools
  • Privilege escalation
  • Maintaining access
  • Reverse engineering
  • RFID tools
  • Stress testing
  • Forensics
  • Reporting tools
  • Services
  • Miscellaneous

What is Backtrack 5

Back Track is a distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. It was named after backtracking, a search algorithm. In March 2013, the Offensive Security team created a fork of Back Track named Kali Linux.BackTrack is relatively simple to install. We will run Back Track by booting it as a Live DVD and then install it on the hard drive. 

BackTrack provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to Security Audit. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot BackTrack directly from portable media without requiring installation, though permanent installation to hard disk and network is also an option.

Click here to Know tool Provided By Backtrack


    Most Popular 40 Registry Tricks For Windows.

    Hi.....Here are some of Windows Registry Tricks which you can tryout :

    Open registry edit by type in regedit In Run:

    1. Disable the Autorun Option in your CD Rom Drive:

    Open your Registry and navigate to "HK_L_M\system\currentcontrolset\services\cdro m"
    Change the value of 'Autorun', or create a new DWORD value if it doesn't already exist, and set the value as '0' for Autorun disabled.

    Disable the Harddisk Lowdiskspace warning in Windows Xp

    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    System Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    create a new DWORD 'NoLowDiskSpaceChecks' and change its value to '1'.

    3. Disable the Windows Key

    "HK_L_M\system\currentcontrolset\control\keybo ard layout"
    Create a new Binary value, or modify the existing value called 'Scancode Map' as shown below.
    Value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00

    4. View System BIOS Information

    Open Registry and navigate to

    5. Change the Title of WindowsMedia Player

    "HK_C_USER\software\policies\microsoft\windows medi aplayer\"
    Create a new string value called ' TitleBar' and change text as your wish.

    6. Disable Internet access in Network

    Open Registry and make the following changes
    "KH_C_User\software\microsoft\windows\currentv ersi on\internetsettings\"
    Change the value of "Proxyenabled" to 1 and change the value of "proxyserver" and set it to an ip address. Change the value of the ip address and port to ""

    7. Disable the ability to Right click on the desktop
    "HK_C_User\software\microsoft\windows\currentv ersi on\policies\explorer\"
    Create a DWORD "NoViewContextMenu" and change its value to "0" for disabling and "1" for enabling.

    8. Hide all items on desktop

    "HK_C_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentv ersi on\policies\explorer\"
    "HK_L_M\software\microsoft\windows\currentvers ion\ policies\explorer\"
    create a new DWORD "NoDesktop" and change its value to "1"
    You can show all the items in the desktop by chaning the value to "0"

    9. Disable the "Change Password" button in windows

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\System"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersi on\Policies\System"
    Create a new DWORD "DisableChangePassword" and change its value to "0" for disabling and "1" for enabling.

    10. Disable the "cancel" button or pressing the "Esc" key while logging on to Windows"

    "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Window s\Cu rrentVersion\Run"
    Create a new string value "NoLogon" and change its value to "RUNDLL32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 0"

    11. Remove "Log off" from start menu
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    Create a new DWORD "NoLogOff" and change its value to "1" for disabling and "0" for enabling.

    12. Clear the Recent playlist in Media Player

    Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPla yer\ Player"
    And clear the "RecentFileList" subkey.

    13. Empty temporary Internet files on exit (in Internet Explorer)
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\Cache"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache"
    Create a new DWORD "Persistent" and change the value to "0" for emptying and "1" to remove this option.

    14. Clear the Internet Explorere typed addresses history

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs"
    And delete the subkeys.

    15. Remove recent documents from start menu

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    Create a new DWORD "NoRecentDocsMenu" and change its value to "1".

    16. Remove Network connections from start menu

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    Create a new DWORD "NoNetworkConnections" and change its value to "1".

    17. Remove My documents from start menu

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    Create a new DWORD "NoSMMyDocs" and change its value to "1".

    18. Remove My pictures from start menu

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer "
    Create a new DWORD "NoSMMyPictures" ad change its value to "1".

    19. Remove My music fro start menu

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
    Create a new DWORD "NoStartMenuMyMusic" and change its value to "1".

    20. Reboot windows after crash

    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\C ontr ol\CrashControl"
    Create a new DWORD "AutoReboot" and change its value to "1".Restart the machine for the effect to take place.

    21. Disable the use of MSDos
    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\WinOldApp"
    System Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp"
    Create a new DWORD "Disabled" and set its value to "1". Change it to "0" for enabling.

    22. Enable Directory completion in MSDos prompt

    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
    System Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor"
    Create a new DWORD "PathCompletionChar " and set it to equal the hex value of the required control character.

    23. Quick edit the command prompt
    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console"
    System Key: "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Console"
    Create a new DWORD "QuickEdit" and set its value to "1" for enabling and "0" for disabling.

    24. Disable Registry editing
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\System"
    Create a new DWORD "DisableRegistryTools" and change its value to "0" for allowing Regeditand "1" for disabling it.

    25. Disable task scheduler

    " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\RunServices"
    Delete the value from "SchedulingAgent". Usually its value is set to "'mstask.exe".

    26. Remove My computer from desktop and start menu
    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Policies\NonEnum"
    System Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \Cur rentVersion\Policies\NonEnum"
    Create "{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}" and change its value to "1" for removing. Change its value to "0" for showing.

    27. Show Windows version on desktop

    User Key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop"
    Create a new DWORD " PaintDesktopVersion" and change its value to "1" for showing and "0" for removing.

    28. Remove My documenst from desktop
    Windows 95, 98 and Me

    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{450 D8FB A-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}\ShellFolder"
    Windows NT, 2000 and XP
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ Curr entVersion\Explorer\CLSID\{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}\ShellFolder"
    Modify the value called "Attributes" as "0xf0500174" to hide or "0xf0400174" to show.

    29. Disable Scan disk after improper shutdown

    " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\FileSystem"
    create a new DWORD "DisableScandiskOnBoot" and change its value to "01" for disablng and "00" for enabling.

    30. Automatically end Hung programs.

    " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop"
    System Key: [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop"
    Modify the value of "AutoEndTasks" to "1"

    How to Edit Blogger Template.

    Hi. Today in this post we are going to see how to edit blogger template or download the template and upload to blogger.It's very easy. 
    Note:If you want to edit the blogger template(HTML and XML code) you must have the little basic knowledge about the HTML tags.
    Let's See Step by step:

    1.First of all, simply sign-in to your Blogger dashboard at as you do always for writing posts. Now select the blog to be edited from Blogger dashboard and click on the Template as shown in following image.

    Note: Once you will click it, the next window will appear with the options of Backup/Restore of your template.Before editing the actual template, you must take the backup of your current template so that, in case failure in the editing of the Blog template code, then using the backup you can able to restore the original blog.

    2.After tacking the Backup of template Click on the Edit HTML button to Proceed.

    Now you are ready to Edit the Blog as per your requirement.

    Here are a few tips for editing your code:
    Save a copy first. Before you start editing the code, we highly recommend that you download a copy of your template. If your changes don't come out the way you wanted, you'll be able to revert to the original version by simply uploading that downloaded copy.
    Understand Blogger's code. Along with regular HTML and CSS, Blogger also uses many custom tags. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with Blogger's page element tags and font and color tags before you start.
    Find the code for page elements. By default, each page element is shown in the code as a one-line placeholder to simplify the code, whose options can be set in the graphical interface on the Layout tab. Click the drop-down arrows on the left next to the one-liner to display the complete code for a page element, and learn about those elements' widget template tags.
    Use our tool for CSS changes. For extensive style changes, you can use the Template Designer to add custom cascading style sheets (CSS) to your blog. If you're not too familiar with CSS, check out this CSS introduction.

    The most easy way to Customize the template is, Download and upload the Ready made template to blog.

    To see how Dounload and upload the ready made template to the blog click here

    How To Set Up 2-Step Verification To Protect Gmail Account.

    In The Previous Post we have seen What is the Gmail's Two Step Verification Feature. Now In this post we are going to see how to set up and turn on the two step Verification Feature Step by step.

    1. Go to Account Settings

    2.Click On Security Tab and check the 2-Step Verification Status, If it is Off Then Click on Edit.

    3. In this Step the Actual Process Starts. Follow The Instruction as given below.

     4. Now Confirm Your Mobile Number and select mode of sending the verification code and click on Send Code

     5. Now you get an message from google, which contain the verification code. Enter that code in the Box and click on verify shown below.

    6. Now follow the following instruction

    8. Now check the 2-Step verification status, now it shows ON. This means that now your 2-Step verification is activated.

    9. Now Whenever you log in your Gmail Account it ask for the verification code which is send by the google on your registered mobile device as shown below.

     10. Now by entering the verification code you and continue with your Gmail account.


    What is Gmail 2-Step Verification.

    What is 2-Step Verification?
    Most people only have one layer – their password – to protect their account. With 2-Step Verification, if a bad guy hacks through your password layer, he'll still need your phone to get into your account.

    Sign in will require something you know and something you have

    With 2-Step Verification, you'll protect your account with something you know (your password) and something you have (your phone).

    Verification codes made just for you

    Codes are uniquely crafted for your account when you need them. They will be sent to your phone via text, voice call, or our mobile app. Each code can only be used once.

    Get codes via text message

    Google can send verification codes to your cell phone via text message. Your carrier's standard messaging rates may apply.

    Want a phone call instead?

    Google can call your cell or landline phone with your verification code.

    No connection, no problem

    The Google Authenticator app for Android, iPhone, or BlackBerry can generate verification codes. It even works when your device has no phone or data connectivity.

    Backup phone numbers

    Add backup phone numbers so Google has another way to send you verification codes in case your main phone is unavailable.

    Backup codes

    You can print or download one-time use backup codes for times when your phones are unavailable, such as when you travel.

    Register your computers

    During sign-in, you can tell us not to ask for a code again on your computer. We'll still ask for codes on other computers.

    Click Here To See How To set Up the 2-Step Verification For gmail Account.

    Make Gmail More Secure With 2-Step Verification


    How to know From Which IP Your Facebook Account Is Accessed with Facebook Active Sessions

    The Active Sessions section of your Security Settings page shows you a list of the recent times your Facebook account was accessed. Each entry includes the date, time and approximate location when signing in, as well as the type of device used to access your account. You'll also see the option to end any active session.

    • If you're on a computer, find your security settings.
    • If you're using a mobile device, find your security settings.
    Note: The location you see is based off of the IP address used to access your account. If you want to know the specific IP information of a login, simply hover your mouse over that session’s location data.
    For more information on how to use this feature, check out this Facebook Security note.

    Facebook Recognized Devices.

    Recognized devices are the computers and mobile phones you've saved to your account during the login process. You can view and edit the list of devices linked to your Facebook account from the Recognized Devices section of your Security Settings.


    Secure Facebook With Facebook LogIn Notification

    Login notifications are an extra security feature. When you turn on login notifications, we'll send you an alert each time someone logs into your acccount from a new place.
    To turn on login notifications:
    1. Go to your Privacy Settings

    1. Click on the Login Notifications section

    1. Check the box next to the type of alerts you'd like to receive and save your changes
    Note: You need to add a mobile number to your account to receive text message alerts.
    After you turn on login notifications:
    • We'll ask you to name your computer or mobile phone next time you log in. You can also save this device to your list of Recognized Devices. This way, you won't have to keep naming the computer or mobile phone you usually use to log into Facebook. Don't choose this option if you're using a public computer.
    • When you name a device, we'll send you a notification.
    • If you ever receive a login notification from an unfamiliar device or location, follow the instructions in the notification to reset your password and secure your account.
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